Paper Title :Design of High Speed Cryptography using Finite Field Multiplier
Author :Sharon Rebba, S. Thirumala Devi
Article Citation :Sharon Rebba ,S. Thirumala Devi ,
(2017 ) " Design of High Speed Cryptography using Finite Field Multiplier " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 42-44,
Abstract : The process to develop a federal information processing standard for the advanced encryption algorithm to
replace the data encryption standard. In this project, we proposed an efficient VLSI architecture for advanced encryption
standard design methodology in order to provide a high-speed and effective cryptographic operation. High-performance and
fast implementation of proposed multiplication is applied to cryptographic systems. The internal multiplier consists of three
stages of operations they are pre-processing stage, carry generation stage, post-processing stage. The pre-processing stage
focuses on propagate and generate, carry generation stage focuses on carry generation and post-processing stage focuses on
final result. In this paper, we propose efficient and high speed architectures to implement cryptography using proposed
multiplier. Cryptography is the operation in wireless communication between transmissions and receiving of data, the
secured data is communicated in an unsecured channel between transmitter and receiver with high security. At the
transmitter side the original data is converted in to secured sequence and at the receiver side the secured sequence is
converted in to original data sequence.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-10-21 |