Paper Title :Design and Implementation of Reed Soloman Encoder and Decoder
Author :Ekta V. Gedam, A.V.Mahatme
Article Citation :Ekta V. Gedam ,A.V.Mahatme ,
(2017 ) " Design and Implementation of Reed Soloman Encoder and Decoder " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 35-38,
Abstract : Reed-Solomon (RS) codes are widely used to identify and correct errors in transmission and storage system.
When Reed-Solomon codes are used for high reliable systems, the designer should also take into account the occurance of
faults in the encoder and decoder subsystems. In this, Reed-Solomon encoder is the linear feedback shift register that is
implemented using VHDL and in decoder, syndrome calculator, Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm, Chien-Search component of
decoder to improve the maximum frequency of Reed-Solomon codes
Index terms - Forward error correction (FEC) code, Redundancy, Galois Field, Berlekamp-Massey, Euclid, Chien Search.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-8
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Published on 2017-10-21 |