Paper Title :Variational-Auto Encoder Siamese Network for Change Detection on Satellite Imagery
Author :Aritro Pal Choudhury, Soumyo Nath Tripathy, Tamesh Halder,Shaunak De, Rintu Kumar Gayen, Debashish Chakravarty
Article Citation :Aritro Pal Choudhury ,Soumyo Nath Tripathy ,Tamesh Halder ,Shaunak De ,Rintu Kumar Gayen ,Debashish Chakravarty ,
(2023 ) " Variational-Auto Encoder Siamese Network for Change Detection on Satellite Imagery " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 29-33,
Abstract : Capturing changes in certain areas has assumed huge importance due to both man-made and natural
phenomenon. Our novel research is aimed at urban classification using an unsupervised Variational Auto-encoder based
Siamese network model for change detection on satellite imagery. It works well on Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
(PolSAR) images of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) as well as optical satellite images.
The model encodes the images to get the latent feature vectors, on which the Siamese difference is performed and the
resultant latent space is decoded to get the difference image. The metrics which help us determine how well our model
predicts the mask are the recall score and the receiver operating characteristic curve. We have archived a recall score of 0.87
and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve is 0.98
Keywords - Change Detection, Variational Auto Encoder, Siamese Network, Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve,
Latent Features, unsupervised.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-6
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Published on 2023-10-19 |