Paper Title :Design and Develop Smart Smoke and Fire Detector on Raspberry PI 3 Connecting Arduino
Author :Sutthisak Pongcharoen, Paniti Netinant
Article Citation :Sutthisak Pongcharoen ,Paniti Netinant ,
(2020 ) " Design and Develop Smart Smoke and Fire Detector on Raspberry PI 3 Connecting Arduino " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 7-11,
Abstract : In the present days, the real-time resident security is very important for every location. Whether it is used to protect various events. When serious events occur it can be alert, collecting various incidents and analysis of potential issues to use security planning and to protect future incidents. Therefore, Internet of Things (IOT) can be used for a security system to solve issues with inspection of various incidents as a preliminary notification before serious incidents occur such as ventilation issues, fire or pollution that affect people living inside the building. Our design makes a smart smoke and fire detector more efficient by using smoke and heat sensors from Arduino and Raspberry Pi 3 for monitoring notification, storing data, and displaying to prevent incidents in the future and will be able to use the collected data to analyze and plan for future issues. The aim of this research will design a better detector of fire and pollution for resident or any building by using Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino, and Sensors. Keywords - Smart Smoke Detector, Smart Fire Detector, Internet of Things, Home Security, and Arduino.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-8,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2020-03-12 |