Paper Title
Optimization of RDC to Achieve Energy Efficiency in Smart Home using CoAP
A WSN(Wireless Sensor Network) is a self-configuring network of small sensor nodes(so called
motes)communicating among them using radio signals, and deployed in quantity to sense the physical world. WSN is
scattered in a region where it is meant to collect data through its sensor nodes. Medium Access Control (MAC) established
the rules to specify when a given node is allowed to transmit a packet, Radio Duty Cycling(RDC)layer is efficient in terms
of throughput and energy and also responsible for the nodes wakeup and sleep mechanism. The different MAC designs are
compared by estimating them in terms of modifying their channel check rates it countervailed with their power savings and
to present our developed system that is robust which aware in value of energy utilization. Internet of Things (IoT) is a
internetworking of physical devices, smart devices embedded with sensors and actuators to gather and exchange data, is
likely to optimize energy consuming devices. Besides home based management systems, the IoT is especially relevant to
smart grid technologies since it provides system to collect and act on energy and power related information in automated
fashion with the goal to improve the efficiency, reliability, sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.
This investigation aims to design the Constrained Application Protocol based (CoAP) based Smart Home automation such as
the control and automation of lighting, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning(HVAC) systems and appliances such as
washers, vacuums, ovens, refrigerators with smart and energy efficient.
Index Terms - Smart home, IoT, CoAP