Paper Title :A Onem2m Framework for Wearable Data Acquisition and Transmission
Author :Rohan, Swapnil Yadav, Vinayak Gupta, Anamika Chauhan
Article Citation :Rohan ,Swapnil Yadav ,Vinayak Gupta ,Anamika Chauhan ,
(2024 ) " A Onem2m Framework for Wearable Data Acquisition and Transmission " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 10-14,
Abstract : With the proliferation of smart wearable devices capable of capturing rich data streams, there is a growing need
for robust frameworks to acquire, transmit and integrate this data with applications. This paper proposes a novel data
acquisition and transmission framework tailored for wearable devices that enables seamless application integration. The
framework consists of three main components: A light-weight data extraction module embedded in wearable devices to
stream sensor data; A secure transmission pipeline leveraging the oneM2M architecture to relay device data to a centralized
repository; and an application interface layer that provides APIs for authorized applications to access and consume the data.
By providing a cohesive solution for wearable data acquisition, transmission and app integration, this framework paves the
way for advanced wearable-enabled applications while ensuring data fidelity, security, and accessibility. Potential use cases
span healthcare, fitness, productivity and beyond.
Keywords - oneM2M, communication, proposed framework for data acquisition from wearable devices
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2024-10-15 |