Paper Title :Solar -Assisted Multi-Purpose Agriculture Companion
Author :Mohith Kumar Reddy M V, Raghava Sanjeev N, Narendra Singh, Pooja Kenchetty P.
Article Citation :Mohith Kumar Reddy M V ,Raghava Sanjeev N ,Narendra Singh ,Pooja Kenchetty P. ,
(2024 ) " Solar -Assisted Multi-Purpose Agriculture Companion " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 10-14,
Abstract : This paper introduces a solar-powered multipurpose agriculture companion aimed at modernizing Indian farming.
Initially six research papers are reviewed, key takeaways are considered, and objectives are listed out. Main objectives
include cutting, sowing, sprinkling, Bluetooth control, solar integration, mobile app connectivity. Experimental results
highlight energy generation, storage, and consumption intricacies. Overall, the research bears testimony to the costeffectiveness
and greenness of the technologies used in agricultural operations. Battery and solar panel technology
improvements must go on in future for the system to keep developing. The paper concludes by promoting the need for a
more ecofriendly and efficient food system.
Keywords - Agriculture, Solar, Robot, Bluetooth, Power
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-6
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2024-09-20 |