Paper Title :Adaptive Relay for Micro Grid Protection at PCC
Author :S G Srivani, H V Sumana, Vaibhav Hebbal, Sai Vamsi Uppalapati
Article Citation :S G Srivani ,H V Sumana ,Vaibhav Hebbal ,Sai Vamsi Uppalapati ,
(2023 ) " Adaptive Relay for Micro Grid Protection at PCC " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 6-10,
Abstract : Microgrids are the potential solution to cater the rapidly increasing energy demands globally. They offer a local
generation and consumption model, improving reliability, energy efficiency and reduced emissions. They involve
Distributed Energy Resources(DERs) encouraging maximum utilisation of the renewable energy sources. The conventional
protection technique involves use of a dedicated protective relay for each issue. The complexity, maintenance and
coordination requirement in the system is more for conventional technique. The report proposes an interface relay for
integration of a DER. The protection issues concerning integration of DER at Point of Common Coupling PCC was studied.
An Over current relay logic with its characteristics independent for different fault direction was developed. Dual Second
Order Generalized Integrator(DSOGI) based Phase Locked Loop for synchronisation, with immunity for grid harmonics and
voltage unbalance, and unintentional islanding detection was designed. These logics were included as a part of Interface
relay logic. A microgrid test system with DER at PCC and the interface relay were modelled on the MATLAB/SIMULINK
platform. The system was simulated and analysed for different test scenarios.
Keywords – Micro Grids; Distributed Energy Resources; Point of Common Coupling; Bi-Directionality; Over Current
Relay; Synchronization
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2023-11-14 |