Paper Title :Static Hand Gesture Recognition System For Device Control
Author :Chethana N S, Divya Prabha, M Z Kurian
Article Citation :Chethana N S ,Divya Prabha ,M Z Kurian ,
(2015 ) " Static Hand Gesture Recognition System For Device Control " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 27-29,
Volume-3, Issue-4
Abstract : The primary goal of Gesture Recognition is to create a system which can recognize specific human gestures and
can be used to convey information or for device control. This paper aims at development of a Hand Gesture Recognition
(HGR) system captured from a webcam in real time. The system consists of three stages: image acquisition, feature
extraction, and recognition. In the first stage input image of hand gestures are acquiesced by digital camera in approximate
frame rate. In second stage a rotation, scaling and orientation invariant feature extraction method has been introduced to
extract the feature of the input image. Finally, edge detection is used and K-Curvature algorithm is applied to recognize the
hand gestures.
Keywords: Hand Gesture Recognition, Static HGR
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3, Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-04-14 |