Paper Title :The Implementation Of A Pipelined Floating-Point Cordic Coprocessor On Nios Ii Soft Processor
Author :Muhammad Nasir Ibrahim, Chen Kean Tack, Mariani Idroas, Zuraimi Yahya
Article Citation :Muhammad Nasir Ibrahim ,Chen Kean Tack ,Mariani Idroas ,Zuraimi Yahya ,
(2015 ) " The Implementation Of A Pipelined Floating-Point Cordic Coprocessor On Nios Ii Soft Processor " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 15-20,
Volume-3, Issue-4
Abstract : This paper discusses the implementation of a pipelined floating-point Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer
(CORDIC) coprocessor using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to accelerate the computation speed in solving
elementary functions on NIOS II soft processor. Examples of the elementary functions are trigonometry and hyperbolic
functions, exponential, natural logarithm, square root as well as multiplication and division. In order to enhance its
functionality, an argument reduction algorithm was introduced to expand the convergence limit for the inputs. The design was
developed using a pipelined architecture with 29 stages. In this project, the proposed CORDIC coprocessor was designed as a
custom hardware component with Avalon Memory Mapped (Avalon-MM) interface. A dedicated NIOS II system was
developed using hardware/software co-design methodology to allow the hardware execution on NIOS II software. Thus, the
floating-point data are represented in the 32-bit single precision floating-point format that are compliant with IEEE-754
standard. The design was modelled using System Verilog HDL coding style. The verification was done by comparing the
results from the CORDIC hardware and C software using math library. The performance analysis was done to obtain the
speedup achieved by the proposed hardware from the corresponding software functions. Finally, the proposed coprocessor was
run on Altera DE0 board with a clock frequency of 50MHz. The results achieved precision up to six decimal places, with more
than 100 times of speedup against software execution time for most of the elementary functions. However, smaller speedup
was achieved for the square-root, multiplication and division operations.
Keywords- CORDIC Coprocessor, Elementary Functions, Argument Reduction Algorithm, NIOS II, Avalon-MM Interface
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3, Issue-4
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Published on 2015-04-14 |