Paper Title :Power Allocation using MIMO-OFDM Systems
Author :Shital N. Raut, Rajesh M.Jalnekar
Article Citation :Shital N. Raut ,Rajesh M.Jalnekar ,
(2022 ) " Power Allocation using MIMO-OFDM Systems " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 57-61,
Abstract : Abstract - In wireless communication the most important part is high data rate with less interference which is a challenge. Thus, as an attempt to beat these limitations Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) systems are used in referred paper which also increase diversity and improve the bit error rate (BER) performance of wireless systems. Basically, MIMO systems can increase channel capacity and enhance the transmission reliability by employing multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver. Multiple input multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system is known to reduce the negative impact of the time dispersive characteristic of channels and show high spectral efficiency, V-BLAST (Vertical-Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time) is a detection algorithm used to the receipt of multi antenna MIMO systems. It uses antenna arrays at both the transmitter and receiver to achieve spatial multiplexing gain. Space Time Block Code (STBC) is a kind of coding scheme for TX diversity. It is a multi-antenna technique in which multiple symbols are transmitted as a block (2 D array) of multiple antennas.
Keywords - MIMO-OFDM, Water-filling (WF), V-Blast, STBC, BER, SNR, QPSK, Power Efficiency.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-10,Issue-8
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Published on 2022-11-30 |