Paper Title :The Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in the Freeze Sensitive Vaccine Distribution to Public Health Center: A Case Study of the Serang City of Health Department
Author :Putu Eka Cita, Andri D. Setiawan
Article Citation :Putu Eka Cita ,Andri D. Setiawan ,
(2021 ) " The Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in the Freeze Sensitive Vaccine Distribution to Public Health Center: A Case Study of the Serang City of Health Department " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 21-26,
Abstract : Health services quality in a region is determined by the resources especially vaccine resources sufficient quantity and quality. Vaccine distribution management requires a good vaccine supply chain management to maintain the quality of vaccine stability because the vaccine is thermolable. The research aims to control temperature vaccine using lean six sigma during the delivery of vaccine to hospitals in the city of serang. The data used in this research was data reports control of Freeze Sensitive Vaccine distribution into public health center in serang city health department in january until december 2020 to obtain defect data of inappropriate temperatures based on Minister of Health Regulation number 12 of 2017 on the implementation of immunization will be used as the basis of calculations DPMO (Defect per Million Opportunity) in six sigma. Methods used in research is lean six sigma in the analysis of the process of vaccine distribution capabilities control Freeze Sensitive Vaccine and use a structured list of questions through in-depth interviews to experts of vaccine distribution system in Health Department of Serang City as a step in the process of brainstorming to make suggestions to improve the control Freeze Sensitive Vaccine distribution to Public Health Center in the city of Serang, Banten. Variable used were 7 waste namely the faster than necessary pase, waiting, conveyance, excess stock, processing, unnecessary, motion and correction by Mistake to make a brainstorming to improve the current process and Lean Six Sigma knowledge that the distribution system Freeze Sensitive Vaccine to Public Health Center in the city of Serang needed to control the better to fit Minister of Health Regulation number 12 of 2017.
Keywords - Lean Distribution, Freeze Sensitive Vaccine, Health Department of Serang City, Process Activity Mapping, Lean Six Sigma
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-9,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2021-07-01 |