Paper Title :4 Bit Vedic Multiplication using Threshold Logic Memristive CMOS Technology
Author :Merlyn Mariyam Varghese, Lijesh L, Shahzad A. S
Article Citation :Merlyn Mariyam Varghese ,Lijesh L ,Shahzad A. S ,
(2018 ) " 4 Bit Vedic Multiplication using Threshold Logic Memristive CMOS Technology " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 42-46,
Abstract : The fourth circuit element is memristors, that are mostly used in brain-like circuits and also in computing
systems. Brain-like circuits has an advantage of fault tolerance and generalization ability of logic gates. The major problem
that arises in the progress of implementing brainlike circuits in VLSI is the scalability of networks and limitation of solving
large Boolean functions. In this paper, a 4 bit Vedic multiplier using memristor threshold logic circuit was designed. The
proposed memristive cmos circuit is a combination of memristive circuits and cmos circuit, which provide the lower chip
area, lower total harmonic distortion, and controllable leakage power. For the designing and simulation of the proposed
system Ltspice IV tool was used.
Keywords - Area-efficient, Low power, CSLA, Binary to excess one converter, Multiplexer.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6,Issue-8
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Published on 2018-10-29 |