Paper Title
Molecular Communication & Nano Networking Involving Cellular Level Communication Paradigm Explained using Theoretical Modelling of Molecular Communication

The ability of engineered biological nano machines to communicate with biological systems at the molecular level is anticipated to enable the future applications such as monitoring the condition of a human body, regenerating biological tissues and organs, and interfacing artificial devices with neural systems. From communication theory and engineering perspective, molecular communication is deemed as a new paradigm for biologically engineered nano machines along with natural biological nano machines to form a biological system. Molecular communication uses molecules as the carriers of information; sender biological nano machines encode information on molecules and release the molecules in the environment, the molecules then propagate in the environment to receiver biological nano machines and the receiver nano machines biologically react with molecules to decode the information. At present, molecular communication research is limited to small scaled networks of biological nano machines. Key challenges include development of robust nano machines, smart network mechanisms and efficient communication protocols. In this paper, we present state of the art in molecular communication in architecture, features, applications and design. Furthermore, real time challenges and applications are also discussed in developing network mechanisms and efficient communication protocols to create a network of bio machines for future applications. IndexTerms - Biological nano machines, communication architecture and protocols, molecular communications, nano networks