Paper Title
Dual-band Circularly Polarized Antenna for Wireless Communications
P-shaped dual-band circularly polarized (CP) antenna for wireless communications with right-hand circular
polarization (RHCP), and left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) is presented in this article. The name of the P-shaped
circularly polarized patch antenna is derived from its distinct shape, reminiscent of the letter "P." Currently, utilizing
microstrip patch antennas in wireless communication takes advantage of their compact and planar design, facilitating
effective transmission and reception of signals. These antennas comprise a radiating patch on a dielectric substrate,
accompanied by a ground plane beneath. Their streamlined form and ease of integration render them suitable for a wide
range of applications, such as wireless local area networks (Wi-Fi), satellite communication, and mobile devices. The
meticulous design of the patch dimensions, substrate material, and feeding mechanism aims to achieve optimal performance.
Microstrip patch antennas demonstrate versatility by operating across various frequency bands, including those designated
for Wi-Fi (e.g., 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) and Bluetooth. So, this design presents specific advantages and features that render it
appropriate for wireless communication applications, ensuring a suitable axial ratio and necessary gain for achieving desired
outcomes. The axial ratio serves as a critical parameter, defining the Ellipticity of the radiation pattern and indicating the
antenna's ability to maintain signal polarization during transmission or reception. Additionally, Gain is a crucial antenna
characteristic, measures the directive properties of the emitted electromagnetic field. So, optimized electrical volume of the
proposed structure is 0.46λ 0 × 0.46λ 0 × 0.02λ 0 at 4.4GHz resonant frequency. The measured -10dB impedance
bandwidths are 50.7% and 5.7% for (3.37-5.60GHz) & (10.82-11.46GHz) resonating bands at 4.4GHz and 11.4GHz
respectively. The measured 3dB impedance axial-ratio bandwidths for (4.65-5.13GHz) and (11.21-11.52 GHz) bands are
9.7% and 2.7%. Agreement of simulation results with measured results ensure the excellent circular polarization at
frequency 4.85GHz and 11.4GHz Hence, these frequency bands contribute to improved connectivity among devices,
whether they are stationary or in motion, when utilizing Wi-Fi technology for establishing connections between smart phone
and digital instrument cluster of Motorcycle.
Keywords - Antenna, Circularly Polarized, C-Band, X-Band, Aeronautical Mobile, Satellite Communication