Paper Title
Design of a High Speed Low Power FIR Filter based on Booth Multiplier for DSP Applications
Abstract - Finite impulse response are the important parts of digital signal processing and communication. Due to circuit complexity, optimization of power, area and delay are the requirements for designing a FIR Filter. Fir filters perform multiplications, addition and shifting operations. The multiplier is the slowest block of all hence it can affect the overall performance of the system. Therefore, in this paper a 16 tap FIR filter using carry select adder and booth multiplier is presented. Further Modifications are made to the conventional architecture of boothmultiplier which include the reduction in switching activity of the adder and counter. The power consumption was reduced by 8.356% and delay by 38.636%when compared with the conventional vedicmultiplier. The simulation was done using Verilog and Xilinx. Both methods were compared with the
Keywords - Booth Multiplier,Carry Select Adder,Boothencoder,Partial product, Vedic multiplier.