Paper Title
Microcontroller Application for Home Automation

Electrical power movements all the way from power generating station to loads through transmission and distribution grid where a lot of energy is wasted in these lines. Any wastage of power in the load side reflects the power wastage in the transmission and distribution network because of which generating fuel like coal or gas is wasted. It plays aimportant role in smart grid environment and helps in regulating the wastage of energy at residential homes. It provides a homeowner the ability to automatically perform smart load switching ON/OFF based on generation power and home owner preference and load priorities. This project contains two main parts for energy management and reduce energy consumption. First part the consumer can be managing the mode of our load, in this project have three modes for load management that it is (MANUAL, AUTO &ECO) that control appliances remotely by using internet protocol (IP) via Web server according to save energy, reduce bill and provide comfortability. The second part which contains distribution and billing center in effective utilization of the energy available and minimization of the electricity over load in crash hour and energy wastage, the (SHEMS) control algorithm to perform load control is analyzed along with the power consumption details. It employs an embedded micro – web server in Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller, with IP connectivity for accessing and controlling devices and appliances remotely. The project goals to provide a clear picture of a home’s current and power usage, and through this data provide an estimate to power consumption. The project also aims to identify a status devices turn on and off by analysis of this current data. The goal of provided such data to a user is that they will optimize and reduce their power usage. Keywords - Microcontroller,Energy Management, Sensors, Home Automation, Ip And Web Server.